Bitcoin QT long time to sync

  1. Would increasing block size significantly increase resources other than disk space and network throughput?
  2. Is there some basis other than intuition that the lack of full nodes is primarily a result of resource consumption?
  3. Are the number of full nodes really a potential / real problem?

My intuition, and small sample size study is that people don't choose the QT wallet not because of the resources--now that it is synced, it sits here running virtually unnoticed on my mid-grade laptop with mid-tier broadband--but rather the start up time to use it the first time.

People are lazy and prone to inertia. They want to use bitcoin for their first time; so they use electrum or because it works "right now" and never switch.

Has there been any type of proposal considered turning bitcoin-qt into a sort of hybrid wallet? Something that would allow bitcoin-qt and bitcoind nodes to communicate with each other about balances of certain addresses?

It seems to me this could be done in a very light manner; asking only for balances of the addresses used in transactions since syncing (for wallet importing) and for addresses displayed to the user in the 'Receive' tab (most important).

Perhaps I am underestimating?

I assume the bitcoin-qt doesn't allow spending until the blockchain has been fully synced as a way of discouraging double spends by amateurs. Perhaps there is another reason as well? That is, what would be the downside to letting the "local" bitcoin-qt be more lenient with transaction creation but perfectly strict with "other node" propagation?

I say all this for a couple reasons

  • I would like to see people encouraged away from online wallets.
  • I wonder if the resitance to increasing the blocksize is genuinely based in the reality of the user base.
  • It is super annoying to wait almost a full day, even using the bootstrap.dat torrent to use bitcoin-qt. And I myself have intertia and like to use it.

Bitcoin QT how long to sync

Bitcoin QT location

Bitcoin QT not Opening

Bitcoin wallet slow to sync

Bitcoin wallet time to sync