Bitcoin wallet Android open source

The Blockchain android app provides a convenient way to access your bitcoin wallet on the move. Any keys you generate or transactions you make will be automatically synced with your My Wallet account.

  • Double Encryption Your main wallet password will be saved on your phone however you can optionally set a second password required before you can make payments. This means even if your phone gets stolen your funds will still be safe!
  • Automatic backups In addition to being stored locally on your phone your encrypted wallet will be automatically synced with our server keeping it safe in the event of data loss. Accidentally dropped your phone in the bath? No problem, just login online instead.
  • No Blockchain Download The app uses our websocket api saving valuable space and bandwidth.
  • Watch Only Wallets Support for watch only bitcoin addresses
  • 100% Free and Open source Based on the open source Bitcoin Wallet for android app. The source can be found in our github repository.

If my phone gets stolen can my bitcoins get stolen?

All wallets are PIN protected, 4 incorrect attempts are possible before the main wallet password will need to be re-entered. Double encryption can also optionally be enabled in the wbe interface, when enabled a second password will need to be entered when before sending funds.

What if I forget my PIN?

If you enter an incorrect PIN 4 times you will simply be asked to re-enter the main password. If you forget the main or second wallet password the coins will be inaccessible there is no password reset!

If I lose my phone or delete the app will I lose my bitcoins?

No, you can still login online using the web interface. Your encrypted wallet will be automatically saved on our remote servers.

What about two factor authentication?

When you pair your device with your My Wallet account access is granted to by-pass two factor authentication. So you will still need your yubikey / google authenticator app to login through the website but will not need to type this into the app.

How much does the app cost?

It's completely free, you can optionally include a miners fee in transactions to have them processed faster by the network.

Bitcoin wallet Android source

Bitcoin wallet Android restore

Bitcoin Wallet Android App

Bitcoin wallet Android security

Bitcoin wallet Android password