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Twitter Software EngineerAs Glassdoor continues on its path of rapid global growth, I am excited to announce a blockbuster new feature for our iPhone app: it will now show salaries in bitcoins… permanently. As part of our international expansion, connecting bazillions of job seekers to the jobs and companies they love worldwide, we understand that our universe is more connected than ever. We recognize that your first job may have been in London, your second in Malaysia, your third in Finland, your fourth in… well, you get the idea. That’s why we think it’s important for job seekers to have the ability to research salaries using the leading global currency, Bitcoin.

With this innovative feature, there’s no longer a need to convert salaries from dollars to euros to rupees – the app speaks a global language. This will allow job seekers to compare apples to apples (or coconuts to coconuts) when negotiating a pay raise or trying to land a new job in any market, regardless of where it is in the world. No conversion necessary! The app updates in real time, with current market value, so employees always know just how many bitcoins they can earn in a specific job at a particular company. For example, a Twitter software engineer earns an average of 265 bitcoins per year, while a Starbucks barista earns an average of 0.019 bitcoins per hour (this means a barista would have to work for about 53 hours to make just one bitcoin).

We hope you love this new feature as much as we do, and please share your thoughts in the comments section below. By leveling the playing field and providing salary reports in bitcoins, we hope job seekers everywhere can better understand the global financial landscape and come to the negotiating table with the right tools and exclusive information. (In addition, as part of this new movement, here at Glassdoor, our employees are now receiving their paychecks in bitcoins and the response from employees has varied from “totally awesome” to “I love it” to “#somucheasier.”)

Bitcoin wallet list

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