Bitcoin wallet how to create?

Bitcoinjs-lib WalletThe promise of Bitcoin is the promise of Peer-to-Peer Payments, without the need for an intermediary. However, most bitcoin users, including myself will subscribe to online wallet systems of centralized companies where we don’t hold our private keys. We are trapped by the intermediaries in an ongoing cycle of handing control of our financial power to others for safe keeping. How can we break this cycle and empower ourselves to hold and control our own digital money given the technical complexity and security issues of bitcoin keys?

Together, with the SF Bitcoin Devs, I launched a project called the Bitcoinjs-lib wallet to develop a web-based wallet that anyone could use to generate bitcoin addresses and to receive and send money. The goal was to create a web wallet that anyone could use and fork to further extend functionality.Bitcoinjs-lib Wallet not be stored on the server, but in the browser. Public and Private keys would be generated by 12 word passphrase.

Warning: This code is for demonstration purposes only and the project is still under alpha status with lots of work to be done. If you wish to join and help, we accept pull requests.

SF Bitcoin Dev Team Members Who helped with the wallet.

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