Litecoin-qt config file

I've setup on machine1, litecoin-qt with litecoin.conf as described in (username, password, IP range allowed, etc, all different).

rpcuser=something rpcpassword=somethingelse rpcallowip=192.168.10.* rpcport=9332 daemon=1 server=1 gen=0 block_nTime= block_nNonce= I ran litecoin-qt on machine1 but it doesnt seem to do anything different, just a very empty wallet! :P

On a different machine (on the same network), I am running cgminer with the following config:

{ "pools" : [ { "url" : " ", "user" : "something", "pass" : "somethingelse" } ] , "auto-fan" : true, "temp-cutoff" : "95", "temp-overheat" : "85", "scrypt" : true } and I run it as: cgminer.exe -c (configfilename)

and I see a screen:

Litecoin-Qt software


Litecoin-qt paper wallet

Litecoin-qt Options

Litecoin wallet config file