Litecoin-qt for Linux

If your one of the many people who have gotten into the new Litecoin craze the alternative to Bitcoin then you may be wandering how you can go about installing the Litecoin Wallet on your Fedora System.

Well if you remember in the beginning before Ringing Liberty came out with a Bitcoin Repository you pretty much would get your Bitcoin wallet in a tar.gz format. Currently because Litecoin is still fairly new we face the same issues accept litecoin is in tar.xz. True you can simply extract the file to any old directory but it wont show up in our Applications Menu on Fedora.

Here I will show you how I install the Litecoin Wallet on my Fedora System. First I download the Wallet from Litecoins website. Then I navigate to the directory that litecoin wallet archive is in. I do this from the terminal. All the files I download are located in $HOME/Downloads for me. So I would issue the following commands.

cd $HOME/Downloads
ls -l

After I have typed ls -l I will see a list of files in my Downloads directory one of which will say litecoin-x.x.x.x-linux.tar.xz, replace the red X’s with the correct version number. Now we will extract the files to the /opt directory. To do this we will type the following.

sudo tar -Jxf litecoin-x.x.x.x-linux.tar.xz -C /opt

Now lets type the following

cd /opt
ls -l

We see the files have been extracted to the /opt directory in a directory of it’s own called litecoin-x.x.x.x-linux we will make this easier now by renaming the litecoin-x.x.x.x-linux directory to something like litecoin so we will type the following.

sudo mv litecoin-x.x.x.x-linux litecoin


We will see that the directory name litecoin-x.x.x.x-linux has been changed to litecoin. Now we will need to make the directory readable. To do this we will type the following.

chmod -R +r litecoin

Now lets create an executable for the litecoin wallet. To do this we will type the following.

sudo touch /usr/bin/litecoin

Litecoin-qt Arch Linux


Litecoin-qt minerd

Litecoin wallet Linux

Litecoin wallet for Linux