Bitcoin Wallet Gift

If you’re still finishing your holiday shopping, bitcoin can make a great gift for friends and family this holiday season. Your friends and relatives can own a small piece of this powerful (and scarce) new technology, and may end up thanking you in a year or two as bitcoin adoption grows. One thing is certain; it will certainly spark some interesting discussions over dinner!

Sending bitcoin as a gift is easy. Simply print out and mail a letter like the one below. Then use the scheduled payments feature on Coinbase to deliver bitcoin at the exact date/time you’d like your gift to arrive. The bitcoin will arrive to the recipients email address, and ask them to choose a password for their bitcoin wallet.

The process is designed to be easy for non-technical users. So even if the recipient isn’t comfortable with computers, they should be able to complete the process (all that is required is an email address).

Here is a sample letter you can send:


This year I decided to give you AMOUNT worth of bitcoin for Christmas!

What is bitcoin?

Bitcoins are an online currency/commodity that can be sent and received anywhere in the world instantly. I thought you might find them interesting because they are a new technology that has been getting a lot of attention lately, and bitcoin adoption and awareness has been growing lately. There is a limited supply of bitcoin in the world, so the value of this small amount I’m sending you today could change dramatically in the future.

What should I do with it?

To start with you may just want to hold on to it like an investment. The value of it will likely change quite a bit over the next year or two. You can also sell your bitcoin at any time to convert it back to U.S. Dollars if you choose. Finally you can spend your bitcoin with a growing number of merchants who accept it, or use it to pay friends or family. If anyone asks you about bitcoin, you now have some so you can send them a little bit if you’re feeling generous.

Where do I keep it, and how do I access my bitcoin?

I’ve set up a secure bitcoin wallet for you on to store your bitcoin. You should have received an email by now with a link to sign in and claim your bitcoin.

Or you can visit and enter “RECIPIENT EMAIL” to access your wallet.

What is it worth?

Your bitcoin is worth about AMOUNT at the time I’m sending it. But the price of bitcoin fluctuates over time – so keep an eye on it over time and see what happens.

Bitcoin wallet list

Bitcoin-wallet Wiki

Bitcoin wallet port

Litecoin wallet Linux

Litecoin wallet zip