Bitcoin wallet jailbroken iPhone

Most Bitcoin enthusiasts understand that the iPhone is not the best selection for a mobile device if they want to be able to make Bitcoin payments. Still, one of the core ideas flyring around at Bitcoin2014 conference sounded like that: “Bitcoin + iPhone. This is what we are missing.”

There a few ways to get around Apple’s firewall that cuts itself off from the Bitcoin ecosystem. Sure, there aren’t any Bitcoin wallets on the App Store, but that does not mean that all is lost when it comes to spending bitcoins in real life. People have been managing to pay for things with their iPhones for the past few months, even if they don’t have one of the old Bitcoin wallet apps. Let’s take a look at some of the best options available if you want to get around Apple’s unjust restrictions.

If you’re a Bitcoin purist, then the wallet is probably going to be the best option for you. Although the official Blockchain app was removed from the App Store in early 2014, you can still access your wallet from the comfort of your mobile browser. You will find all of the same functionality from the full app when you visit, so there’s really nothing to worry about as long as you know how to navigate a mobile browser. Blockchain will continue to improve their mobile browser wallet until Apple finally decides to come to their senses and allow Bitcoin wallets on the app store.

Jailbroken iPhones

If you’re using a jailbroken iPhone, then Apple won’t be able to restrict the types of apps you decide to put on your phone. For example, the official mobile wallet app is available on, and you can still download it today if you’re running a jailbroken version of iOS. Blockchain is not the only Bitcoin wallet available for jailbroken iPhones, but it is still the most widely used Bitcoin wallet on iOS. It’s important to remember that jailbreaking an iPhone can open up new security holes, so it may make sense to go with another option.

Bitcoin wallet jailbroken

Bitcoin wallet on iPhone

Bitcoin wallet for iPhone

Bitcoin wallet address change