Bitcoin wallet Ubuntu server

Please do not bother responding with how worthless this is. This is purely academic. A few of the guys at my office were curious and I was idle for a little while this weekend and got started with the basics of the basics in bitcon mining.


Go setup yourself a bitcoin wallet here –> There will be some tutorials, feel free to go through those.

You’ll end up here –> This is where you can keep track of your account. First let’s pop in there and grab the bitcoin address that we will use in a bit. You can find it under Account Settings –> Bitcoin Addresses. This is how others can give you money.

Create an account here –> This is the only way that CPU mining is even relevant….which it’s really not. This is a pool of individuals that work on mining bitcoin blocks.

Ok, now that you have setup the accounts, here is the basic how-to for setting up CPUMINER on Ubuntu 12.04 Server. I have this deployed on 16 VM’s running 1 processor and 512 Megs of RAM each for testing.

Install Ubuntu 12.04 Server and get root


chmod o+x

edit for your worker user/pass found under “My Account” in the site.



Now you are mining. Please feel free to comment how fast or slow your mining is going. I have 16 VM’s on modern hardware under XenServer 6.2 running on AMD processors all getting 4.57 khash/s. Please note…this is very slow and you will likely never make your money back once power is concerned.

Bitcoin wallet Ubuntu 12.04

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Litecoin Wallet (Ubuntu)