Get Bitcoin wallet

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment network and digital currency based on an open source protocol, which makes use of a public transaction log. Bitcoin was introduced in 2009 by pseudonymous developer Satoshi Nakamoto. It is called a cryptocurrency as it uses public-key cryptography. When paying with bitcoin, there will be no exchange of digital notes or tokens between buyer and seller. Instead, the buyer requests an update to a public transaction log, the blockchain. The operators of this network, known as "miners", are rewarded with transaction fees and newly minted bitcoins.

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No problem with Bitcoin.

2014-02-28 07:46:02 by -

The problem was one of the exchanges.
It's problems had been well known for over a year.
If you use an exchange as just that, an exchange, then you're not likely to get burned.
If you park your money on somebody else's computer(s), then you assume the risk associated with that.
A prudent Bitcoin investor/owner/user goes to the exchange and buys some BTC. This doesn't take long. The very next thing to do is transfer those BTC to a wallet on your own computer, or even better, an off-line wallet you've set up ahead of time (if you're going to buy and hold)

"$113m in Gox Bitcoins Believed To Be Moving Thr

2014-03-08 11:26:57 by ough-the-Blockchain

"$113m in Gox Bitcoins Believed To Be Moving Through Block ChainMar 7, 2014 at 23:24 | Danny Bradbury
"Is Gox moving money through the bitcoin block chain? If so, why?"
Why else would they split this? They are on the run. They want to split this up into hundreds of wallet and shove this into a mixer service to a point where we can't track them anymore. Mark Karpeles really ran off with the money.
Give me my coins Karpeles !
Somebody claiming to be stupid enough to get coins stolen from cold store (which is of course impossible) Is most-likely also stupid enough to start moving around his magically found cold storage cash

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