Bitcoin Wallet Injector 2.0

There is no exact equivalent of Unity's AsPerResolve; or per-object-graph, as it is commonly called. The reason there is no per-object-graph lifestyle in Simple Injector is that it is a very uncommon feature, which can easily cause problems.

In most cases the instance must be scoped per request, such as an HTTP request or WCF operation. With the per-object-graph lifestyle, you can still have multiple instances per request, which can have unwanted side effects and is something that is easily caused incidentally. For instance, it's quite normally to postpone the creation of part of the object graph by using factories, inject a Func in a decorator or something like that. Since the object graph is cut in two parts (or more), it will result in extra per-object-graph instances in that request, but this is something that is actually quite hard to detect.

This means you will have to wrap the call to GetInstance with a call to BeginLifetimeScope, for instance:

using (container.BeginLifetimeScope) { container.GetInstance; }

Bitcoin wallet directory

Bitcoin Wallet injector.exe

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