How to open your Bitcoin Wallet?

Every day you are using your keys to open your car. You knew about the unique character of finger prints and their applications. You are aware about the use of retina scans and their promising future. Now it’s time to learn about your heartbeat …. Because Yes ! it’s unique ! It seems that everyone has its own electrocardiogram (ECG) signature, making this feature compliant with the security requirements in the domain of logging-in. The Bionym Company aims to provide log in solutions for various systems based on the users ECG recognition. This system, called Nymi is a wristband that measures your heartbeat and draws your Electrocardiogram to perform a kind of pattern recognition that will open the system to be protected. This system can be your car, your computer, your home or … your Bitcoin wallet of course. As you know, Bitcoin wallets are unique. If you lose the secret key or the wallet itself, then the Bitcoins inside are also lost. These BTC won’t be replaced and are simply lost forever. The Nymi will open your wallet only if it recognizes your heartbeat characteristics, which are hard to reproduce (and no one can steal your heart for trying to). You can buy this device with a Bitcoin wallet for $79. The Bionym Nymi is also compatible with other well-known online wallets like coinbase or

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