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Mining Primecoin XPMAdvertisements

Primecoin – the first scientific computing cryptocurrency is now available at . Primecoin is the first non-hashcash proof-of-work in cryptocurrency, it’s pure prime number based proof-of-work.

Primecoin mining results in data that is scientifically useful, something Bitcoin sadly lacks. At the time of release only CPU mining is available, while GPU mining is being developed. We’ll update this page with GPU mining instructions as soon as it is available. So don’t forget to subscribe our Facebook / Twitter handle for latest updates. You can also join our free e-mail list.

How to mine Primecoin with CPU :

Step 1. Download official Primecoin QT client and install on your machine.

Step 2. Launch Primecoin QT client and go to “Help” > “Debug window” > “Console” tab > type “setgenerate true -1” to use all processing cores.

Note : If you want to use 2 / 4/ 6 cores then use “setgenerate true 4” command to use 4 cores (change the number if u need to)

Step 3. Now you have to check if your client is mining or not, just type “getmininginfo” command in that same window, you should start to see your primespersec reported as following.

{"blocks" : 3244,"currentblocksize" : 1000,"currentblocktx" : 0,"errors" :,"generate" : true,"genproclimit" : -1,"primespersec" : 82,"pooledtx" : 0,"testnet" : false}

Now you should start to see your primespersec reported, if primespersec is not zero, you’re doing it right.

Step 5. You can also check some other stats with following commands.


Step 6. If your primespersec is greater than 1, leave your computer for few hours. If you were lucky enough to find a block it will be automatically credited to your wallet.

Note : Luck factor always matter when solo mining. Some times a crap pc has a slight chance of finding the exact sequence and completing the correct calculation, on the other hand a faster pc has higher chances for the same. So it may take 1 hour or 5 hour or may be 24 hours to find a block on any kind of machine.

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Bitcoin wallet won't sync