Bitcoin wallet command line

Utilities for Bitcoin and altcoin addresses and transaction manipulation.

Latest Version: 0.42

pycoin -- Python Cryptocoin Utilities ===================================== This is an implementation of a bunch of utility routines that may be useful when dealing with bitcoin and some alt-coins. It has been tested with Python 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4. High Level ========== Keys & BIP32 ------------ The class pycoin.key.Key contains a convenience Key class that will parse the base58 representation of a BIP 32 wallet [BIP0032] or a WIF or a bitcoin (or altcoin) address, and convert downwards. WARNING: be extremely careful giving out public wallet keys. If someone has access to a private wallet key P, of course they have access to all descendent wallet keys of P. But if they also have access to a public wallet key K where P is a subkey of P, you can actually work your way up the tree to determine the private key that corresponds to the public wallet key K (unless private derivation was used at some point between the two keys)! Be sure you understand this warning before giving out public wallet keys! pycoin.key.Key: ```Key(hierarchical_wallet=None, secret_exponent=None, public_pair=None, hash160=None, prefer_uncompressed=None, is_compressed=True, netcode)``` Specify one of "hierarchical_wallet, secret_exponent, public_pair or hash160" to create a ```Key```. Or ```Key.from_text(b58_text)``` accepts an address (bitcoin or other), a WIF, or a BIP32 wallet string and yield a Key. ```Key.from_sec(sec)``` creates a Key from the SEC bytestream encoding of a public pair. pycoin.bip32.Wallet (formerly pycoin.wallet.Wallet) provides a BIP32 hierarchical wallet. Much of this API is exposed in the ```ku``` command-line utility. See also See ```BIP32.txt``` for more information. Transactions ------------ pycoin.tx.Tx is a class that wraps a bitcoin transaction. You can create, edit, sign, or validate a transaction using methods in this class. You can also use ```pycoin.tx.tx_utils``` which has ```create_tx``` and ```create_signed_tx```, which gives you a very easy way to create signed transactions. The command-line utility ```tx``` is a Swiss Army knife...

Bitcoin wallet offline

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