Install bitcoin-qt Ubuntu 12.04

How-To: Customize your own Ubuntu Live CD for mining (or other purposes).

Live CD’s are great, they let you try out a distribution without installing it on a machine. They allow you to run your favorite distribution on any computer and on the top of this, they become handy to recover a system.

The Ubuntu live CD is already packed up with some pretty nice tools that allow you to do pretty much everything within the Live CD, but still, there might be some software you don’t need that are include with it or, some software you need might be missing.

Another Pro for this is that by customizing your image, you will be able to install software you like instead of the default sofware installed by Canonical, or want to have the latest bitcoin-qt with the secure BitcoinArmory client installed.

This tutorial will show the steps to follow in order to customize an Ubuntu Live CD to your need by removing some component and adding some others.

During this tutorial, we are going to remaster our Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Live CD or a later version like Ubuntu 12.10 and add and remove some of the applications:

* remove non english language packs to save some space on the disk (or a language of choice).

* Update the softwares release shipped in the live CD.

* Enable universe and multiverse repository plus some extra repository’s.

* Include divx, mp3 support, vlc, Firefox with flash-nonfree plugin

* Include ndiswrapper support (Wireless support)

* Add dev/edit tools like Bluefish, Gedit, Codelite or Geany.

* Add mining software like phoenix, poclbm, cgminer, all latest git versions & BitcoinArmory

* Add some network troubleshooting tools: traceroute, wireshark, kismet, etherape, iptraf.

*** The resulting image will be bigger that 800M, so it won’t fit on a CD, but will be fine on a DVD. ***

Install Bitcoin wallet Ubuntu

Bitcoin-qt Ubuntu ppa

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Bitcoin-qt Ubuntu 10.04

Bitcoin-qt Ubuntu 12.04