Litecoin how to restore Wallet?

Beware that Litecoin prices also change and that you'll need to change your calculations accordingly. There are many Litecoin mining calculators out there,

. I said earlier that the hardware comparison chart is essential when shopping for Litecoin mining hardware but without a calculator like the one that I just linked to, you have no reference point and those kH/s numbers are worthless to you. To find out what a graphics card could potentially make you, find it's kH/s rating on the chart and plug that number and only that number into the calculator. You will get an accurate readout telling you how many Litecoins that can be mined by that card every 24 hours, every week and every month. Don't worry about the difficulty, that number is set automatically.

Newbies should also be aware that when it comes to mining, AMD cards run circles around nVidia cards. The chart reveals that this is true (look at the best nVidia card verses the best AMD), so best to avoid nVidia all together when it comes to mining.

It isn't worth it's own section, but it is worst mentioning that the rest of your mining rig only needs to be good enough to run windows 7/8. Since the ming is done with the graphics cards, the rest of the computer needn't be too powerful. With that in mind, keep an eye on your motherboard. Make sure to buy one with room for four graphics cards. Even if you're not buying four right now, if you like where mining is taking you, you'll want as many as you can have soon enough. Make sure that you've got room for four cards and a power supply that can run it all.

So you have your hardware. Now what? You could mine on your own, but that could take a very long time. Another way to mine is to join a pool. In a mining pool, lots of miners like yourself work together to mine Litecoins. When a group or "block" of coins is found, the coins are distributed among the miners according to the amount of power each miner contributed to the mining effort.

Once you've got yourself an account, it's time to set your workers up. Workers let you monitor your mining progress on each separate machine (if you have them) which makes it easier to spot a problem early (lower than usual hashrates are usually a good indicator of a problem). You could probably even assign a different worker to each graphics card in your one rig, but that's both complex and unnecessary (not to mention the fact that I haven't even tried) so we won't discuss it here.

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