Litecoin-QT wallet

If you’ve been following this phenomenon known as Bitcoin, it is quite possible you may have also heard of other “crypto-currencies”. There are certainly many and it would seem that there are new ones popping up each day..

I would like to focus specifically on Litecoin and a couple of super-easy ways to start earning them for free! “Bitcoiners” should already be familiar with the term “faucet”, but again, a “faucet” is simply a free earning source (they make their money through “mining” or advertising).

A Litecoin wallet is the first step to getting started. Now there are way less options than compared to getting a Bitcoin wallet, I know of two Litecoin wallet providers, so here is the simplest wallet out there for LTC (Litecoins).

Just search “litecoin qt wallet file” and you will find what you need… bear in mind it will need to sync up with all previous LTC transactions.. but this shouldn’t take too long.

Now for the earning sites!

I’m gonna start with, and seriously recommend, this first one “LTC4YOU”:

Just follow that link and you can get started!

This second one is nowhere near as good, IMO, but that doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with it..

There are far less earning sites on the web that pay in LTC but it is still a great compliment to your Bitcoin earning activities!

Bitcoin QT wallet

BTC-e Litecoin wallet

Litecoin-qt wallet address

Litecoin wallet zip

Litecoin-qt paper wallet