Litecoin wallet solo mining

How to solo mine Bitcoins and Altcoins (TRC, LTC, NMC, DVC, ect)

After days of research I have figured out how to tell people in laymen’s terms how to solo mine bitcoins. (I will add more links to this post soon) Unless you have a very fast graphics card or a mining rig it’s not worth it, unless you want to wait weeks to months. Some Altcoins have a quicker solve chance and you can successfully solo-mine them with even relatively slow cards. This is a guide only for windows users Here are the steps. 1. Get the “-qt” file.
This is the wallet software that you locally store coins and connect to the coin’s server from.

You can find the the -qt files for these coins here:

Just search Google for each coin. For example: search “Litecoin -qt wallet file”

Then you need to open the .exe file and let the wallet connect to the server and download the blocks, this can take hours for some coins.

2. Find some mining software.

Any mining software will do. Most people mining in pools already know about these and how to use them. Here are some miners that people use.

3. Setup the .conf file

Now you need to find where the .conf file will go. This stores your local miner info so you can get credit for mining off of your local host address.

You need to create this file by first finding the folder it goes in. It should be hidden in the appdata folder. For example at:



Obviously replace YOURUSERNAME with whatever your computer user name is, the name you use when you log on to windows.

Then once you have found the folder for the particular coin you want to mine create a text file and name it bitcoin.conf or terracoin.conf or whatever coin your mining.

For Terracoin the example for what to write in the text file is:


For Bitcoin an example is:


Bitcoin’s port is 8332, some coins have a port they usually use. Though any random unused port can be used. So any random set of numbers that are free on local host.

Litecoin QT solo mining

Litecoin wallet mining

Litecoin wallet pool mining

Litecoin wallet Linux

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