Bitcoin QT bitcoin.conf

RPiBTC Project
The aim of this project is to run the full Bitcoin client in a low cost Raspberry Pi model B. The Raspberry Pi is inexpensive, doesn't require much power to run, and best of all, it's tiny

Here below is a snapshot taken from a VNC viewer connected to the RPiBT :

The main issue that showed up in this project was the blockchain synchronisation of the Bitcoin client with the Bitcoin network. The synchronisation task requires a lot of read/write access, that the slow SD card can’t easily performs quickly.

To overcome the synchronisation issue, the full blockchain has been copied to the SD card. After the copy, the Raspberry Pi is able to catch up the blockchain synchronisation quickly.

As this was painful to do, I decided to share the RPiBTC image. Before making it public, I’ve added also some interesting features:

  • Remote desktop (VNC Viewer or Remote Desktop Connection)
  • uPNP support for the Bitcoin client.
  • Iptables for the protection
Up to now, I don’t find my RPiBTC setup secure enough to hold my wallet. So I recommend you to the same.

Copy the image into a SD card. Currently, at least a 16 GB SD Card is required. For future proof it is better to use a 32 GB SD card. ly.

Install the SD card in the Raspberry Pi and power up the Raspberry Pi connected to the internet!

After 5~10 minutes, the blockchain will be loaded, and Bitcoin daemon will start to respond. The full synchronisation depends on the delay between RPiBTC last block and Bitcoin current block.

The bitcoind client will start at boot time as user rpibtc.

You can login to the RPiBTC by a direct keyboard/mouse/screen connected to the RPiBTC or by a remote connection to if you now the IP address.

At first, login as a pi user with password raspberry. Then run the command sudo raspi-config and configure the Raspberry Pi to your flavour. (Keyboard mapping, time zone…)

Default login and password:

User rpibtc, password rpibtc!

User pi, password raspberry

I recommend you to change the password with the command passwd

The RPC login of the bitcoind client is RPiBTC and password is RPiBTC!

Bitcoin QT bitcoind

Bitcoin QT on USB

Bitcoin QT blockchain

Litecoin wallet Coinotron