Bitcoin QT language

A frustrating week making sod all money,so here are the seven things,donate generously ….

1) Firstly do some basic research,download a wallet(don’t ask,just use google ) and then a CPU miner or a GPU miner (is this geeky or what).

2) 72 hours and the set up of “Bitcoin QT” is still running. They did say it would take bit of time (well that was the understatement of the year)!!

3) I had decided that I would join the latest way to make money on the Internet; this shows how tech savvy I am,I mean to say its been going since 2009 and launched by that well known biscuit maker Satoshi Nakamoto. Well biscuit maker is as good a guess as anything else as the designer of the protocols, program’s,ideas behind this phenomenon is unknown,best guess is probably 3 computer scientists.

4) The guys,Satoshi and the others,have set up a system where a limited amount of Bitcoins,BTCs,are released to the world by “miners” cracking very difficult codes. You can download software to mine the BTCs and you get paid for the mining. There’s something in my genes for mining so ……

5) Anyway,off I go …… After 7 hours mining what have I made,well apparently 5947 of them,hang on they were trading at 130 to the euro the other night,that means I’ve made,double hang on,triple hang on I’ve made 770k yoyos .

Hey,if I carry on like this …. Woooooooooow,hold the bus,read the screen again your mining in uBTCs,what’s the u for ? Millionths,millionths does that mean .

Yes 7 hours work for 77 cents,ok 10 cents an hour.

After further research you can by specialist equipment to undertake the mining. A ha,the first inkling of how to make money,make hardware,surely there must be an easier way.

I’ve left off mining for 3 days now and guess what it takes about 30mins just to “sync” up my wallet .

6) Its highly likely that this is a total waste of time and that the real money is elsewhere with BitCoins

And like mining for BitCoins I’m not giving you the seventh “thing” Im keeping it as a form of tax,ah tax I wonder why people are using this currency at all,ah the tax,did I mention the tax .

Sorry please send your donations (Min 2 BTCs) to


Bitcoin QT Linux

Bitcoin QT manual

Bitcoin QT on USB

Bitcoin QT my address

Bitcoin qt address