Bitcoin QT View private key

To export a private key from your Satoshi bitcoin-qt client:

launch your bitcoin client as usual and wait for it to load the blockchain and start up click on 'help' in the menu bar (top right) click on 'debug window' select the 'console' tab type: walletpassphrase "your walletpassphrase here" 600 type: dumpprivkey [your public key here] this will return the private key, you can copy it now; ensure you clear your clipboard/history afterwards type: walletlock I do not understand what "your walletpassphrase here" means. I do not have a wallet pass phrase to the best of my knowledge.

Also, I am a bit of an amateur at this and I still don't understand the "your public key here"..... is that the address that corresponds to your wallet?

Trying to export the private key to another wallet because the bitcoin wallet has taken 2 days to synch and is still not done.

Litecoin QT import private key

Bitcoin wallet (private key)

Bitcoin QT export private key

Bitcoin QT add private key

Bitcoin QT get private key