Bitcoin QT won't open

blockchainAs we note when we published the information about Bitcoin Payments module of Sysme Pos, one of the requirements was the installation of the oficial Bitcoin QT wallet. The reason about this requirement was simple, Bitcoin Qt is the only local wallet that includes a JSON-RPC service which allows, with appropiate security, third party applications connect and interact with it.

Anyway, keep QT installed Bitcoin wallet is “hard”, and we refer to “hard” not in terms of personal effort because the software performs all its tasks automatically, we say “hard” for the computer because these tasks use a lot of system resources as CPU, RAM, network and storage space because Bitcoin QT synchronizes every transaction block of the entire Bitcoin network ( this is the basis Bitcoin network, all transactions are stored by all nodes in the network, so the system is safe) .

These operations involve a high use of disk space (over 10GB) and high CPU usage and RAM so keep the wallet updated. On a not very powerful POS computer this may not be the best idea .

Users with additional equipment like a server computer (for database storage or file sharing … ) usually use these equipment to install Bitcoin wallet there, but not all users have a server (for whatever reason, space, do not need ..) and get one to process Bitcoin payments … at this moment may not be profitable .

However users who want to rely on the Bitcoin model and do not want to overload their computers with official wallet have the option of choosing a online Bitcoin wallet, there are many but one of the most popular and safe is Blockchain wich offers also a JSON -RPC service .

Blockchain offers users the same functionality as any local wallet but without the hassle of downloading and syncing blocks, is free, accessible from the web and from Android and IOs applications, and the most important thing is that now, with the passage of time, has earned the trust of thousands of Bitcoin users making it a good choice to connect from Sysme Tpv and receive payments.

Sysme Pos Settings to connect with Blockchain wallet

As we say Blockchain offers a JSON -RPC service so set up the Sysme Pos Bitcoin module is really simple. Just open the Bitcoin configuration module of Sysme Pos from SYSTEM -> BITCON, enable the module with the check box, select the currency (the currency with which you work regularly in Sysme pos) and then complete the connection params:

Bitcoin wallet won't open

Bitcoin QT won't sync

Bitcoin QT on USB

Bitcoin QT not Opening

Bitcoin-Qt wallet paper