Bitcoin paper wallet Bitcoin-Qt

Bitcoin walletHere are some tips for keeping your paper-wallet safe:
• Store the paper wallet in a sealed plastic bag to protect against water or dampness.
• If your paper wallet isn’t folded, you could laminate it for durability and proof against water.
• If you have one, store your paper wallet in a safe to protect from theft and fire.
• You could entrust the paper wallet with a solicitor; for example, the attorney or other person who holds your Last Will & Testament.
• For added redundancy, you may store a wallet in several locations. Some bitcoiners use trusted family members; others use safety deposit boxes.

If you want to create a paper wallet for a lesser-used currency that doesn’t have an address generator website, there is still a way to achieve this. What every alt-currency does have is a variation of the Bitcoin-Qt wallet application.

1. Go to the ‘Receive’ tab, where your wallet addresses are listed.

2. Right-click on the address you wish to save, then copy the address to the clipboard.

3. Click the ‘Help’ menu and select ‘Debug’.

4. In the ‘Console’ tab, enter “dumpprivkey” and paste in the wallet address.

The console will then display the private key of that wallet. You then have the public and private keys of the wallet. You can print these ‘as is’, or you can opt to generate QR codes to print. However, the wallet details will still exist in your computer. The only way to remove them it is to open your file explorer in the ‘C:\Users\[YourUsername]\AppData\Roaming\[Wallet App Name]\’folder and delete the ‘wallet.dat’ file. NOTE: this will remove all addresses held in the software wallet, and you should make sure that there are no funds remaining in the other addresses you will be deleting.

Now you should be the proud owner of an unhackable paper wallet for your digital currency. If a paper wallet is not for you, however, you could use your own mind with a brain wallet. This method is the safest method for wallet creation, but relies on a good memory from the creator.

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