Import wallet litecoin-qt

worldcoin When we are dealing with the internet and connectivity, there is always one rule of thumb everyone needs to keep in the back of their heads : be secure. Even though most people prefer ease of use over security, when you’re dealing with online payments, there could also be someone trying to steal your data (and money).

In the world of Cryptocurrency, it’s not always an easy task to remain secure. For your wallet to sync with the network, a computer, be it a pc, laptop, smartphone or tablet, has to be connected to the internet. That makes it vulnerable for viruses, trojans, wallet stealers, and other malicious software.

You wouldn’t be the first person who lost some, if not all, of the funds in their wallet because you weren’t protecting yourself properly. One way to counter this, is either use a VPN or other tunneling software. These things cost money though, and you may at times forget to run the software in the background while you’re doing important stuff.

Luckily for all of us, there is a thing called a “paper wallet”. A paper wallet allows you to store your hard earned coins offline, away from prying eyes on the internet. There is also no need to ever sync a paper wallet, as there is no software involved, thus also no need to worry about downloading or syncing a block chain.

A paper wallet basically gives you a wallet that you can print out. On this piece of paper, you will find a public address where you can send your coins to. Also on the paper, there is a private key, which is linked to the public address. This private key can then later be imported into your existing QT wallet, and the funds will become available to you.

Now, there are only a handful of coins who offer this kind of service. But as of yesterday, we can now also add Worldcoin to that elite group. The Worldcoin Foundation has developed an open-source JavaScript wallet generator, offering several services :

  • Single and Bulk online wallets
  • Paper wallet for offline usage (or “cold storage”) of Worldcoins
  • Brain Wallet
  • An option to view a private key’s details

All in all, it’s another step forward to bringing us an extra layer of security when dealing with cryptocurrency. The Worldcoin team is making big strides over the past weeks, and I’m sure there are many of great things still to come!

Create your own paper wallet :

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BTC: 1AHz3HUx2xXYwcao2DJV2Ykex6qL7gKx3D
DGC: DLUzgjfk3HmVM9Q23yzuRsSFLMPCVLg72q
WDC: WRkQnjsqsW7jvEmcXeyayCtvJvfqm6U18p

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