Bitcoin wallet online or offline

Is exactly the same as this paper wallet:

Which is exactly the same as this paper wallet:

All three of these have the same Bitcoin address and the same private key, all three are just as valid and functional, save the convenience the first two offer via the QR code.

Before we get to the how, lets go over the why.

There are many reasons to create and fund a paper wallet, here are a few:

  • Security, security, security. ic storage. Just remember, if it is connected to the internet, it is vulnerable…period.
  • Protection from corrupted or faulty hard drives or operating systems, i.e. your 98th reinstall of ubuntu just went belly up…again. No worries, your coin is safe and sound.
  • Protection from a lost phone. Only have a wallet on your phone, ever lose your phone? Yeah me too…
  • They make a great gift! Don’t scoff, this is where some of those fancy smancy wallets pictured above come in handy. r a unique an interesting gift. It is also a great way to get someone into cryptocurrency.
  • Longterm storage of coin. Not going to be trading or spending it anytime soon? Then why keep a large balance online where it is vulnerable. Put it in cold storage and sleep soundly.
  • It becomes real! Okay you can scoff at this one a bit, but some people prefer the tangible to the cyber, and having printed coin in the form of a paper wallet brings them comfort and peace of mind, to each their own.

Bitcoin wallet offline

Bitcoin wallet generate coins

Bitcoin wallet command line

Bitcoin wallet on Android

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