Litecoin wallet setup Mac

In this how-to we are laying down the steps one has to follow in order to install litecoind on a Mac with OS X 10.9 (i.e. Mavericks) installed. I guess that this walkthrough should be valid for other *coins such as bitcoin, dogecoin etc.

Install dependencies using homebrew

Now, we will use the package manager (the same holds for Macports) in order to install all the dependencies except boost. We will explain the reason later.

Installing OpenSSL

MacOS comes with OpenSSL pre-installed but in order to build litecoind (or bitcoind) we will need a more recent version:

brew install openssl After that typing openssl version should return, if not try forcing the link:

brew link openssl --force

Installing the rest of the dependencies

We continue installing the rest of the dependencies, i.e. miniupnpc and berkeley-db4 (but not boost).

brew install miniupnpc berkeley-db4

Compiling boost from source

If you try to install litecoind without installing boost from source you will get the nasty Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 error:

Litecoin wallet Mac

Litecoin wallet setup

Litecoin wallet mining tab

Litecoin wallet Linux

Litecoin wallet tutorial