Bitcoin QT change wallet location

i am including some code to generate a config file when anyone runs the qt wallet. its just like bitcoin, but a change from maxcoin.

this is the code that i included in util.cpp

boost::filesystem::path GetConfigFile { boost::filesystem::path pathConfigFile(GetArg("-conf", "coinname.conf")); if (!pathConfigFile.is_complete) pathConfigFile = GetDataDir(false) / pathConfigFile; return pathConfigFile; } void ReadConfigFile(map& mapSettingsRet, map& mapMultiSettingsRet) { boost::filesystem::ifstream streamConfig1(GetConfigFile); if (!streamConfig1.good) { boost::filesystem::ofstream pathConfigFile(GetConfigFile); pathConfigFile.write("listen=1\r\nserver=1\r\ndaemon=1\r\nrpcuser=u\r\nrpcpassword=p\r\nrpcport=5108\r\", 93); pathConfigFile.flush; pathConfigFile.close; //return; } boost::filesystem::ifstream streamConfig(GetConfigFile); when i run the wallet. it creates a star or some * thingy at the end of the addnode=xxxxxx. And thus it is not able to read that node included in the conf file. Is there a problem with the code? please help me

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