Bitcoin web wallet best

Coinbase vs Blockchain.Info Comparison ChartMillions of people around the world have heard and are curious about Bitcoin. Many are already using the digital currency and many more are planning to start using it in the near future. But the question everybody asks is:

What Bitcoin wallet should I use?

There are several solutions in the market, but currently there are two leading the way with value added services on top of the base Bitcoin protocol.

These two services are Coinbase currently serving 329, 000 wallet users and which just in the last few days surpassed 500, 000 wallet users.


Coinbase is a private company based in San Francisco, California, that provides web and mobile Bitcoin services. Their mission is to provide Bitcoin value added products for consumers and merchants. Coinbase is recognized as “the PayPal” of the Bitcoin Network.


Blockchain.Info is also a private company, but based in York, United Kingdom. The company provides full Bitcoin market and block chain exploring information and wallet services. It is recognized as one of the first information and wallet services in the Bitcoin network and very well respected in the community.

How do they compare?

As shown in the comparison chart above there are several things to take into account when deciding what solution to use. It all boils down to your personal needs and your security preferences. These are the descriptions for each feature:

Send and Receive: The first thing you do when you get a Bitcoin wallet is to acquire your first bitcoins by selling products and services or by buying them. After that you need to be able to transfer them to pay for things or sell them. For this the features of Send and Receive are needed and the two solutions mentioned above provide this. They also have the Address Book functionality that lets you store names and Bitcoin addresses so it’s easier to manage your transfers.

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